How to Advance Your Defensive Driving Skills?

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In order to avoid accidents and to ensure safe driving when behind the wheel it is very much necessary to advance one’s defensive driving skills. It is a good practice to ensure you are driving correctly and taking all the necessary precautions rather than depend on others to drive well. In fact, the teens and new drivers are taught defensive driving skills for this very purpose. You can get this training form a good behind the wheel training course like that at Click2drive.


This skill can help you prevent major or minor accidents, and here we shall discuss how you can do it. After reading this article and taking the right course you will be able to start implementing these advanced skills,

Tips to advance your driving skills

  • Stay Focused: Any activity that diverts your attention from driving should be avoided at all costs. Engaging in other activities while driving can lead to major accidents and is the main reason for many fatalities, especially among teens. According to the research, it is found that over 52% of the reasons for car crashes have been due to the distraction caused. This can be either using your phone, eating, talking to people in your vehicle, or operating the navigation system, or some sort of entertainment. In the case where there is something urgent, it is much recommended to pull out the car aside from the road and do whatever you have to. 


  • Be Alert: It is vital one be fully awake of the surroundings. You should not drive while sleep-deprived or drunk or under the influence of drugs. Driving drowsy can also be the reason for major accidents on the street. Your Click2drive driving school will teach you all the necessary things to avoid. It is ideally recommended to have proper rest and almost 6-7 hours of sleep before getting behind the wheel. In any case if you feel you cannot drive, allow someone else to drive or postpone the driving until you recover. 


  • Look Ahead of Your Vehicle: While driving your complete focus should be right in front of you rather than anywhere else. Even during a course at Click2Drive, the best driving school in Glendale, this is taught.. Look ahead and see further down the road. This can help you anticipate the hazards easily allowing you to stop or slow down in time.


  • Maintain the Speed Limit: Defensive driving means to respect the speed limit. Keep an eye on the road signs since there can be a blind turn, a slope, or the slippery roads ahead. Maintaining the speed limit ensures you are safe from unexpected issues. The slower speed, the more control you have on your vehicle.


  • Plan an Escape Route: It is best to position the escape route of your vehicle. Alternately make sure that you are being seen by other vehicles too. If you see a car coming full speed, make sure you give yourself enough space by shifting the lane. So that the coming vehicle gets the place to pass on. This should be specially cared for during the night time too. 


  • Use Blinkers: These blinkers enable other vehicles to understand your next step and take action as required. Henceforth while switching the lanes or to take a turn when you want to, never forget to use your blinkers. This lets you and others have safe driving and prevents accidents. Your turn or lane change should be predictable and smoother. 


  • Don’t give in to Road Rage: Never engage in road raging, as it is the most dangerous thing to do. Never tailgate a vehicle. This can surely lead to accidents. It is better to  check your own safety rather than getting one up on a stranger. Because it is all about getting to the destination safely, instead of road rage with a stranger. 


  • Follow Three-Second Rules: This rule enables you to leave three seconds of space between you and the other vehicle. It helps you establish a safe distance avoiding crashes. This three-second rule only applies in good-traffic conditions. And in case if the visibility of the road is not good it’d be better to increase a second or two.


This is even taught to one in the behind the wheel driving lessons at Click2Drive

Refresh your driving knowledge by learning these advanced defensive skills at Click2drive. You can know more about them by visiting our website. 

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